Tending Joy: Daily Devotional Guide

This take-home resource offers a devotion for each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Arranged around a weekly text from the lectionary, it guides users into tending joy through the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. (The fasting commended by this devotional is not food-related.)

The joy to which God calls us is not one-dimensional. It’s complex and multifaceted, and it reveals itself in many experiences and contexts. If joy was a garden, it would be a raucous congress of wildflowers and carefully cultivated varieties, native and naturalized species alike, a diverse array of colors and textures and smells and shapes that create a single experience together. These devotions will follow scripture’s lead as they explore a different texture and color of joy each week.

A license for congregational use is included with this download, so that once you’ve purchased it, you can print as many copies as you need to give each of your congregants a copy–or use them in congregational emails, or for your church’s social media, etc.


Published by Barn Geese

Honk if you love Jesus.